Awesome turkey vest!


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So a vest finally came from Cabelas. It's a Cabelas Super Tat'r III turkey vest in Realtree APG. It's the best vest I know of to date. Every feature except for a loop to hold up your gun is a part of this vest. It's lightweight and comfortable. It's got the Speed Seat and pockets specifically designed for each of your calls and other gear. It holds a ton of stuff. If you can name it (within reason) I've got it stowed away in this thing or there's more room for it.

If you're looking for a vest and they become available, buy it! Here are some pictures...



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Whats the price tag look like on that vest?

here's what i've been told and what i know. i think there's some here and there at some of the retail stores, but you won't find it online (meaning they don't have any at any distribution centers). Right now depending on what store you are at, camo you pick, and size it could vary in price between $75-90. I'm not sure if they'll have some in stock to order online this year or if you'll have to wait until next year.

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