Sweet corn growers


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We usually grow peaches and cream here. Really all according to what you like. Corn likes nitrogen, unfortunately so do weeds, get your garden as free of weeds as possible. I spray our garden with roundup and 2 4 d just a few days to a week before planting. I side dress our corn a few times while it is growing, usually use triple 13 about 3-4 weeks after planting and again a few weeks later, do not fertilize when it is too dry. Good luck with it.

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I always use peaches and cream, The sweetest corn you could ever grow! Then again so do coons and deer (Yes I live in the city and we still have deer come find our corn) Planted mine about a week or a week and a half ago and it is breaking ground the last few days! I didn't think about spraying my garden with weed killer...Good thought I guess... Depends what kind of soil you got too. How great it'll do. Good luck on whatever you do, And be sure to post updates!

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We usually grow peaches and cream here. Really all according to what you like. Corn likes nitrogen, unfortunately so do weeds, get your garden as free of weeds as possible. I spray our garden with roundup and 2 4 d just a few days to a week before planting. I side dress our corn a few times while it is growing, usually use triple 13 about 3-4 weeks after planting and again a few weeks later, do not fertilize when it is too dry. Good luck with it.

Yep, pretty much agree with William, although I don't spray 2-4-D anymore because it can stunt vining plants like cucumbers. In the past I've grown Incredible, which has very good taste, but the stalks are pretty weak. A good wind will lay them flat. Last year I planted Bodacious, and it's just as good, maybe better than Incredible with a shorter stronger stalk.

I agree with side dressing when the plants are about 5" to 8" tall, then again when they start to silk. Keep them watered especially when they start to silk, you almost can't give them enough N and water at that stage. Keep 2' between your rows and 1 plant per 8". If you grow them too close, your yield will go WAY down. Crowding and weeds will kill your yield quicker than anything. I agree with coon and deer damage too. I use an electric fence now, and in the last 2 years I've only lost maybe 30 plants or so where I used to lose whole plots to coons. Coons do more damage than deer in my area.

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I haven't grown sweet corn in a couple years but when I did I put about a cup of 34-0-0 fertilizer within a few inches of the plant's roots every now and then. This way I only promoted weed growth where I could easily control it. The corn sure liked it though.

With the new Round Up Ready sweet corn varieties out now I may try some sweet corn again.


Edited by LETMGROW
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