1/8/2012 Smokepole Buck


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I finally got around to finishing up the buck I took during our muzzle loader season this year. I know he is far from perfect, throat patch is off, his right eye is horrible, and I'm still trying to get the hang of my airbrush so the inside of his mouth isnt the best either. I have a lot of trouble doing clay work, eyes and ear butts mainly but I'm learning. This is my second whitetail mount, the first turned out much better lol anyway heres a few pics





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Thanks for the kind words! I'm enjoying the whole taxidermy thing so far, my favorite thing to do is birds there fun and a lot easier for me. Playing around with some fish now and I'm not liking them at all, guess I'll just have to keep at it

We'll have to get you a pheasant come November so you can mount that. There's at least one hanging around out back. Saw one right near Sunbury Wednesday morning. They're out looking for love right now. :D

Deer looks pretty darn good too! :cool:

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