Two birds down. Awesome morning!

Ethan Givan

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Went out this morning with my younger brother with high expectations. I went out yesterday morning and got on 3 longbeards with a group of hens. Messed with those birds for almost 2.5 hours before giving up. Closest I could get them was 60 yards, its just nearly impossible to pull 3 strutters away from their hens. I knew exactly where they had roosted so I planned on getting in tight on them this morning.

Got in there this morning a good hour before daylight. I was hoping the same group of birds I had seen the day before would be roosted in the same spot and that me and my brother could get a double and the two of us would have our two bird limit for the season. Daylight came and I started hearing 3 birds gobble on the other side of the 200 acre farm. Of course they wouldnt roost in the same spot two nights in a row! We collected our stuff up and took off across the farm. By the time we got over there, birds had already hit the ground and shut up. I set up under a big white oak on the corner of a hayfield close to the area where the birds had been. I cut a little followed by a few yelps and one answered me on the far side of the ridge a good 150 yards away. I waited a few minutes, and cut and yelped again. He anwers. I do it again, he answers stronger, and I know were in business. About 5 minutes later he emerges in the field and makes a beeline for the decoy. Comes all the way to the 20 yard line, jumps on my strutter decoy, and my brother drops him at 7:50 am.

After we get our stuff packed up and check out his turkey, we hear another bird gobbling about 400 yards away towards the front of the property. Time to get me one. We head off in that direction and get close to where we had heard him. We stop just short of the top of a small hill, and I call. He jumps all over it, and he is just on the other side about 75 yards out! There was limited cover where we were, so my brother backs up a good ways and behind some small trees. I pull out the decoy, belly crawl to the top of the hill, and stick it in. Then i back down the hill and lay down in some tall grass. 2-3 minutes pass and the gobbler comes into sight and right down over the hill to me. An easy 10 yard shot takes him out at 8:20 am.

My first double beard turkey. One beard is 7 inches, and the other is 10 inches. Lighter bird than usual for around here at 19 lbs. 7/8 inch spurs.

My brothers bird was larger with 1 1/4 inch spurs, 10 inch beard, and 22 lbs.



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