Another PA bird down...


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Yesterday morning started emperor me....not a peep on the roost!

Wasn't til after an hour after light I heard my first bird. Called him in but turned out to be two jakes giggling at the same time.

After a few mins. they moved on...I waited about a half hour and started calling again.

In came the two jakes again...behind a good bird! They circled around to my right and I couldn't make the turn. After a few mins....I called some more in my best sexy hen calling.

He came back and I was already turned and waiting for him

Took him at 15 yards with a #5 remington hevi-shot!

10" beard...1 1/8" and 1 1/4" spurs.

Not sure if this picture will work...won't let me upload into my photos from this phone?

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Yesterday morning started emperor me....not a peep on the roost!

Wasn't til after an hour after light I heard my first bird. Called him in but turned out to be two jakes giggling at the same time.

After a few mins. they moved on...I waited about a half hour and started calling again.

In came the two jakes again...behind a good bird! They circled around to my right and I couldn't make the turn. After a few mins....I called some more in my best sexy hen calling.

He came back without the jakes I was already turned and waiting for him.

Took him at 15 yards with a #5 remington hevi-shot!

10" beard...1 1/8" and 1 1/4" spurs.

Not sure if this picture will work...won't let me upload into my photos from this phone?

Emperor Snapper ???

I mean.........I know you're good. But................... Well, did make two jakes giggle at the same time !!

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