I need help and advice FAST!!!!!!!!!!


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I've had a wonderful turkey season this year. Got 3 mature birds on the ground and thinking of getting 1 of them full body mounted.

Here is the problem I shot these 3 birds the first 2 weeks of the season basically when they were all dumb to the game. Here in SC turkey hunting gets pretty tough after the second week because the birds are wise to calling and seeing their friends being shot. For the past 2 weeks gobbling has slowly died out completely. On 4-21 I heard 5 gobbles all day mostly in the morning. That Sunday no gobbles at all. This past weekend I heard 2 gobbles in 2 days. Absolutely no gobbling on Sunday but my trail cams are showing turkeys every where.

So what should I do? 5-1 tomorrow is the last day until next year. I got my prime time sweet spot on an old logging road where they travel to feed in an open pasture. Its a 50% chance they'll use this road back to the roost. Should I put out a tom decoy in full strut with a hen on the ground just shut up & hope they travel that direction to spot them? Should I use the decoys and call? Or should I not use decoys and randomly call? I haven't used decoys all season. We've been calling and they come looking for hens. The past 2 weeks I've thrown everything at them from box calls, crystal, glass, aluminum & slate nothing! I'm confused!!!!!

Edited by FSU_Seminole
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I'd go through the last 3-4 days of trailcam pics and set up where the most gobbler pics have come from. I'd probably use no decoy at all or use 1 hen deke and call softly and sparingly on a slate or diaphragm every 15 or 20 minutes. If you're not set up near a known roost throughout the day, I'd make my way to within 75-100 yards of where you suspect the toms will fly up about an hour before they would get there.

Good luck to you !!!

Let us know how it turns out.

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