I just walked 4000...........

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4000+ yards in tilled ground spinning 36 lbs. of clover seed on to 3 acres with a hand-crank spinner. :crutch:

Did it in about 1hr 15 minutes. I feel like I just got dragged hind-end first through a knothole !!!

Been working off & on over the last month along with my brother and dad. We got an 8 acre field turned and disked. Then, this past Saturday, Dad & bro' spread a tri-axle load of lime (+/- 22 tons). My brother got that disked in that evening.

Me & Dad went to the mill this afternoon and got 1200 lbs of pelletized lime to give the sprouting seed a bump start until the loose lime kicks in. Came home to see that the weatherman is calling for thunderstorms throughout the night. So........ in the absence of a culti-packer......... figured I better bust butt and get some seed down so Ma Nature could give me some seed-soil contact.

Hopefully, I'll get the pelletized spun on in the next day or two.

One of the remaining acres is slated for a sunflower/millet plot for gamebirds & songbirds.

The other 4 acres will go into a brassica/turnip mix in a couple months.

This stuff better grow !

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Did not do a test. But this ground has not been limed for over 15 years. In these parts, you can never go wrong with 2-3 tons/acre. Not going to fertilize until the clover gets a foothold. Then will hit it with a low or no nitrogen mix. When the brassicas go in they will get a dose of trip-19. Will have to do a little figuring as to how much. Probably around 80-100 lbs. nitrogen/acre.

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