Effective Range Your Gun?


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So I've been testing/patterning my Benelli SuperNova 12ga. I've been using several different chokes I've acquired since. For loads, I've stuck with #5 shot in various materials, except some 3" Hevi-13 #6s. Figure any smaller shot won't have enough penetration out past 40 yards, but that's . Lots of good patterns out to 45 yards that would put a hurting on a turkey. Over 100 pellet count pretty even on a 8.5x11 sheet of paper.

Haven't gotten any patterns out at 50 yards that'd make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to shoot at a turkey. This made me curious.

So what have you considered/found to be the maximum effective range of your turkey setup??

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Have not really tried other choke tubes outside the factory choke that came with my 1300 buck and tom. The winchester 3 inch high velocity turkey loads in #5's give good patterns for me out to about 45 yards, don't think I have ever tried patterning it beyond that, also wonder about energy/velocity/penetration getting out there past 50.

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  wtnhunt said:
The winchester 3 inch high velocity turkey loads in #5's give good patterns for me out to about 45 yards, don't think I have ever tried patterning it beyond that, also wonder about energy/velocity/penetration getting out there past 50.

I also use the winchester 3 inch turkey loads in #5s out of my 870 and I have taken birds out to 45 yards with them no problem. I really wouldnt want to push my luck at further distances, and I really dont see the need in being able to take birds any further. I like em close. I have killed several at less than 10 yards.

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  pruts said:
I use Winchester 3.5" # 5's and the factory full choke in my Browning BPS, and have only patterned it out to 40 yards. But for some reason it likes 2 oz better than 2.25 oz

Not uncommon at all. My Super X2 is the same way and my BPS 10 ga. is too.

Density-wise, most of my guns are 50 yard capeable......... but that's with 6's and I ain't going there.

We have two guns that run #5 shot. A 3" 870 12 ga. and my BPS 10 ga. On two separate occasions over the years there have been severe yardage mis-estimations. Both birds ended up being.......... well.............over 50 yards and we will leave it at that. Both were dumped on their tailfeathers.

I have a combo for my BPS 10 ga. using 2 1/4 oz. of #2 shot (which is not legal for turkey in PA) that is 75 yard capeable without blinking an eye. But that wouldn't even be turkey hunting. Just turkey shooting.

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common mistake by many turkey hunters, is pellet count in kill zone rather than velocity and penetration of pellet at that range.rule of thumb,old #6 lead shot had only effective kill range of 35 yards regardless of how good it looked on paper beyond that.today's loads with heavier than lead shot increase that effective range but be sure how far.just a tip from an old man that knows

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i have been hunting turkeys for 17 yrs and use the same loads that the gun was first patterned with.my remington special purpose camo 3" mag with the tightest of the two turkey chokes remington made has hunted with nothing but winchester supreme double x magnum turkey loads in 2oz. #6 shot.i have shot 8 birds so far and the closest was 15 yds and the longest was 46 yds in 2009 and a 53yd bird this season.both birds were dropped and stayed put but were not dead when i ran up on them.my hunting partner of many years also has bagged two long distance birds with his 870 short barreled turkey express at 46 yds and 54 yds with the same winchester loads.these guns were both patterned in 1995 when we first started turkey hunting and they shot so well we both bought several boxes for fear they would be discontinued and not available.if there are harder hitting shells available today i would have to see it to beleave it!especially at the $8.49 a box we payed for them years ago.we tried the remington 3" duplex loads and the winchester 3" max velocity 1 3/4oz. #5's and nothing had a denser pattern than the 2oz. of #6's.in the 17 years we've hunted longbeards all the turkeys we've ever pulled the trigger on we have bagged except for one.pretty hard to argue with results.

Edited by mkd
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Remington 11-87 Special Purpose Magnum 12 gauge with Undertaker non ported choke. Federal #4 3.5" Magnum Turkey loads with the flight control wad. It has taken turkeys at 62 yards. It likes Federal #5's too and they look like a slug hit at 35 yards. Most I try to take is 40 - 45 yard shots.


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