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Well last night I was on top of some steel structure and zombies were trying to climb it, yet strangely I had some cheese singles that when removed from thier wrapper were actually plastic explosives that could be dropped on them. I was down to the last single and the last zombie when he disappeared under the awning I was on. I could hear him behind me, knew I was done for so I woke up.

Where could such stupid dreams come from?:wacko:

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Sometimes some that make no sense, but usually the ones I am sure to wake up from are the ones where I am about to squeeze the trigger on a nice deer.

I NEVER kill the deer/turkey/intruder etc. My twisted subconscious refuses to allow me some level of success in a dream. The scope is fogged, the trigger is too stiff, the bullet wont fire, you name it, it's happened. If I do manage to get a shot off on an intruder the rounds sometimes bounce off.

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Pretty rare that a dream wakes me up these days. I don't know why. The ones that used to wake me up were quite violent in nature. :taped:

Mine wake me up about once a week or so. The violent ones really don't get that violent before I wake up. Something like I hear a noise outside, then I go to the front door, turn the knob when suddenly it's twisted in my hand quickly from the outside and I wake up. Strangely enough it's almost always at 3:30 a.m.

Maybe I need to see a shrink lol

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