Type of Snake?


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I'm not the best at knowing snakes and I came across this one while mowing the yard. Anyone know what type it is? I know some say "The only good snake is a dead snake". However, I have heard that a king snake will eat poisonous snakes. Even if they do not, the have the same food source and I would rather have non-poisonous snakes around than I would one like the copperhead I killed last year. Thanks!


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Hey good to see a fellow teacher here. I teach physics and coach here in Texas. I would like a chance to see the picture to try and help you out. How would I access the picture? Here in Texas the diamond back rattle snake, timber rattle snake, and copper head snake, are the most frequent seen veinomous type that is. Cotton mouth or water moccosin is next and pretty aggressive, the coral snake though veinomous is not social at all and would love nothing more than to run away from social situations. Snakes are good at keeping down the rodent population which carry various problems for humans. Kill the food source or put a snake deterant out ( lowes home depot) has a powder that works.

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looked up your snake I do believe it is an eastern garter snake. says it is the most distributed snake in north america. Habitat near water- wet meadow, marshes, prairie sweles, and irrigation and drainage ditches. has 7 upper lip scales not that you want to search that ( i'm guessing) lol

most acitve during the day looks for frogs and toads, salamanders, and worms, may eat small mice and fish. Ill tempered when caught and will bite, and give off a musk smell. but will tame quickly and become docile. recorded longevity 10 yrs. also know as common garter snake

information from national audubon field guide reptiles. platelet 539 info on page 674. hope it helps. they are plentiful so if you kill it there are more, they reproduce in groups of 10.

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Looks like a diamondback water snake to me which is harmless but I really cant tell by the pic......or it could be the very venomous copperback rattle moccasin.

Looks like a diamond back water snake to me too... They do have very sharp teeth used to catch fish but other than that they are harmless....

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That's a Northern brown snake they get to be 8 to 13 inches long, we call em pencil snakes around here. When I was a lil kid I used to catch em and keep em as pets, their harmless.

If that snake is in the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket, I'd have to agree with deer slayer. Looks like a pretty small snake.

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