Should I get a lift on her?

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I personally wouldn't lift a 2wd truck. That's just my opinion though. It has been done before. If anything I'd lower it a tad, you can get a 2" drop shackle for the rear springs for really cheap. Can't do much with the front without changing coil springs and shackles.

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No doubt it improves the look of a truck if done right. Matter of fact you can't tell one from the other at a casual glance. My thoughts are why look like you are ready to get in some mud when you really can't? You're stuck, then some old man comes creeping around you in a Subaru Brat and your woman leaves you and rides off with him. Bad way to go out.

Take your ride and the cash you were going to invest and get a good used 4x4 that has already been lifted.

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