Missed opportunity


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Well I finally got time to get in the woods on Sunday morning. Got to my blind around 5:15 and got my decoys sent up and settled in and waited to her the birds fly down off the roost. Heard the fly down around 6:15 or so. I just sat quietly for a few more minutes them I let out a few purrs and waited for a call back but nothing. I just waited quietly and called every once and a while but still nothing. By around 8:30 I was starting to get sleepy cause I did not sleep well the night before the hunt. So I decided to take out my iPhone and read the local morning news while i waited for something to happen. Well I got wrapped up in a news story and did not pay attention outside. When I looked up from my phone what do I see, a nice size Tom in full stutt trying to get it on with my hen decoy. By the time I realized what was going on in front of me it was over and the Tom started to walk off before I could get my bow up for a shot. After the bird disappeared I just sat there laughing at myself that this just happened. Today I am kicking myself for not paying better attention to what's going on around me. Hopefully I see another bird next weekend and a will definitely pay more attention to my surroundings. Just thought I share my little adventure.

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LOL! Funny story! Been there done that. First time bear hunting I nodded off in my treestand, woke up to a bear at the bait barrel pigging out! I was all flustered, brought the gun up, rushed my shot and missed! Still kick myself for that one. But hey, it happens... better luck next time. ;)

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