Need advice....


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Well I shot a doe tonite at about 5:00. I shot her at about 15 yards right behind the shoulder about a 1/3 up. I let her go for about a half hour. I prob would have let her go longer but there was rain forcasted to start about 7:00 and I didn't want to lose the bloodtrail. Well after a half hour I got out of my stand and went to where I shot her, I found the arrow covered in blood. It was a complete pass through. I start to look around for blood none. I then go to where I last saw her go about 70 yards away. Still no blood. I call my dad and he comes and helps me look til dark. We are going back out tom. morning to look again. The thing is the area where she went is full of mona flora rose bushes. Most areas its possible to walk through although it is slow progress. Any advice on what I should do? confused.gif

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Re: Need advice....

A complete pass through, right behind the shoulder, 1/3 of the way up. I would have to say it is definately a dead deer, and probably didn't go a long distance. Just take your time searching, and be thorough. Sounds like the cover she went into you'll have to trip over her to find her. Don't get digusted, keep a positive attitude, and you'll find her. Good luck. Let us know how you make out.

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Re: Need advice....

If your very positive on your shot placement--where you said it was--that deer should not be too far. Don't just look for blood on the ground---look on bushes at about the same height as your exit/entrance hole. Blood from just the skin wound should rub off on the brush.

Look hard--she's there.

best of luck


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Guest MattA311

Re: Need advice....

If the shot was where you say it was I doubt highly the deer went more than 150 yards. Just go back to the exact location you shot it and go slowly from there.

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