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Close again this AM...but not good enough. Last night saw my buddy, he came out in the field to strut for a lone hen then something spooked him and he ran back into the woods. got up at 4am and started hiking by 4:30am to get in the woods early. Well he decided to roost across on the other side of a field. Well I made my way over to this field by then daylight and couldn't quite get to the edge when he let out a booming gobble and I could see a hen. Well never saw him, he went back into the woods. I had an idea where he was heading...could hear him gobbling the whole way. I made a loop around, threw out a hen and jake decoy, sat down, got through 1/2 a yelp when GOOBBLLEE right in front of me then seconds later saw him moving through the woods. He stopped, behind a tree then disappeared! What the.....!!!??? Well I don't know if the jake decoy he didn't like since I had that when I missed him a week ago, or the fact that later on while I set up in a new spot, found out I never took my headlamp off my hat, so I wonder if he saw the blue/silver glistening of that.

So I dunno what other tips you guys have but for tomorrow I'm leaving the jake at home and just taking the hen decoys....

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