Tis the season...


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shot private 3D course behind a guy's house Saturday with my PSE Evo. Got 2nd do to a silly miss, shooting just over the back of a cougar.:bang: we had some pokes too. there was an African black buck down the hill 60 yards out. put in the vitals but just barely.

shot the last TechnoHunt session for the traditional league with a bunch of experienced old guys who can shoot. wasn't last but i learned i need to get my own bow and practice to shoot instinctive well enough.

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Haven't started shooting yet but I did go by my bow shop today and ordered my new bow. Didn't change my mind what I was going to order. Bowtech Invasion, 60# draw, 28.5" draw length. Time for this old fart to drop his draw weight down to a point where I can draw easily from a sitting position again.

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not yet this year, getting new arrows this year. every deer a shot last year broke my arrow. so im thinking on getting the victory 600 apc there 0.4 grains heavery than the ones im shooting now. and getting the vendeta bow range finder. and to be honest im not looking forward to the long process of resighting the sites

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