A Saturday to Remember!


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Wow, try to beat this one,lol:wacko:

So it's the usually get up in the AM yesterday and go set up on my gobbler. Well first I had to deal with a deer snorting at me the first 20 minutes. Then I could here people yelling and singing and having a good old time off in the distance down towards the lake, and a cow hollering. It was a noisy morning yesterday and I think the combination of all of it is maybe why my gobbler was more quiet than normal. Well he shut-up and I never heard him and by 7am decided to move. Well I set-up down lower only to hear him gobbler, he's still on the roost! I think I'm figuring out that he was waiting to see the hens and for them to come to him, all the more harder he is to hunt. Well he's not working, I decide to go in early. I get home around 8am and hear a couple pistol/rifle shots in the distance then a very loud explosion...not a shotgun, it was an explosion. I thought "What is going on?" I decide to take a drive down the roads that surround my hunting area. Well I see someone is having a big party at the lake. I turn onto a dirt road going back towards home and see 2 deer hightailing it parallel to me in a field....they were running for their lives, I've never seen deer running that fast even during gun season. As I'm driving, can see them running. I slow down to a crawl, thinking they'll cross just up in front of me past some trees. No, I see the one run out and head towards a house. I look to my left, thinking the other one is going to run across. Nope, it's laying in the field rolling around trying to get up but can't move it's back end!!! I figure out something happened that caused it to break it's back because it was running so fast. Well I drive home, grab my DEC Regs book, drive back to find the deer still there. I then figure out probably what happened is it tried to jump a wire fence that was about 15-20 yards behind it, and it must have got caught. I get a hold of an ECO who happens to be someone I know from working at camp. He gets there in about an hour. He thought it got hit by a car, I said No, I was watching them run, I think it hit the fence! Obviously he had to shoot it, but he filled out a tag and I got a yearling buck that I brought home and Andy and I gutted, skinned, and cut up in about 3 hours and it's in the fridge. Talk about crazy huh!? lol I'm only glad I was there to find it because think how long it would have layed there in a field....2 people stopped while I was there, they didn't see it until I pointed the deer out!

Oh and when we cleaned it, it's one hind leg below the hock - the muscle was all swollen and bloody, about mid back was where it must have broken it - that had a huge blood pool under the tissue, the one side of it's body had 3-4 patches of "rug burn" from where it must have slid on the ground.

And I tend to think the loud explosion is what had the deer spooked because when I first saw the deer and drove home, I saw more deer running around in that 5 minute drive than I did all of gun season...it was nuts!

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You made good out of a bad situation. Congrats.

I have always wondered what venison would taste like out of season. .

I had a March road kill once. We didn't like it. Very tough even for a young deer. Although I like deer heart I would be leary of parasites this time of year.

Neat story Ruth.

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