what's the biggest buck


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Yea he was somewhat bristled up in that pic and makes him look older than he really is. In most trail cam pics he looked smaller. He got lucky and I lost sleep over my decision and whether I should have shot him. But I got to see him grow another rack and even though I didn't get him I really enjoyed getting to chase him again

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When it comes to whitetail, the biggest was probably around 130". It was the first day of the season and with bigger deer in the area I was not ready to end my deer hunting for the year. Muledeer, that's another story and I have often thought I missed my chance at a real wall hanger. I was hunting elk when the opportunity for a 15 yard shot at a 190+" brute presented itself. I was not in "deer" hunting mode and as the buck stood broadside I actually had the bow up and was imagining where I would aim, but I was in the middle of an elk hunt and my thoughts were more on a big bull. After about 10 seconds the buck turned and walked off and as I watched him disappear into the brush I realized that I had just let what may be the largest muley I have ever seen on the hoof simply walk away. That was five years ago now and I often wish I had taken the shot.

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