Nebraska or Missouri


Recommended Posts's too late to apply for Kansas this year. Their draw is in April. I have to agree with Pat (hoosierhunter). No sense going somewhere else unless you fill your early season tag...well 2 tags if you're hunting your own property and have to sit at the house waiting for the late season. Of course you could wack more does in IA. Not sure how much extra doe tags are in IA for residents but I do know it's cost prohibitive for NR's to buy more than the 1 mandatory doe tag.

Never hunted NE but heard some good things about it. I have and will be hunting MO. Only problem I've noticed in MO compared to the places I've hunted in KS, IA, and IL is some areas seem to have a low percentage of bucks with more than 8 scorable points. JMHO but from my limited experience hunting MO the closer you get to the Iowa border the higher the percentage of bucks with more than 8 points.

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There are a lot of conservation areas in Missouri. The last time I was there I hunted two different places. Lake Poho CA in Mercer county and Poosey CA in Livingston county. I saw some big deer at both but didn't bring anything home. This was before the point restrictions came into effect. The thing that surprised me was that I didn't see but a few other people bowhunting. This was right before the gun season.

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  • 1 month later...
  hoosierhunter said:
55- Heck your already in Iowa. I wouldn't worry about leaving the best state in the union to hunt elsewhere. My recommendation would be to raise the bar on your target deer. The grass isn't greener in either of those states.

55: I'm the same as you. I am in Iowa and my standards are high, however, it's nice to get away and see some other country and hunt different terrians. Nice to be where they can not reach you by telephone!!! I have hunted Wyoming for many years... that is out for you because it is mostly a draw. I lived in Nebraska long ago and there are nice deer and public grounds. This spring I hunted turkey around the Chadron area (northwest Nebraska) and saw lots of deer. There is plenty of public land in that area. I am NOT sure how it hunts in the fall.

Very beautiful country. If nothing more shoot a good tasting doe.

good luck to all

the dog

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