So Im hunting my Dads old 30-30 this deer season

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I shot 150gr Win. power points for years. My longest shot was pobably 90 yards and I never had a deer fall out of sight. Most went down in 20 yards or less. I'm a double lung shooter I've so I've never had a DRT shot. I used a 3-9x40 sighted in at 2" high at 100 yards. It shot dead on at 150 yards.

Don't get and over/under mount. They won't hold zero.

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Honestly, my first buck i ever shot was with my dad's win model 94 30/30 with a side mounted tasco pronghorn 3-9x30mm scope. he killed a bunch of deer with it, then i did, and then my little brother after that. it's only had cheap Remington green box 150gr soft point Cor-lokt ammo through it. Stuff has drop them out to 200 yards. it's a 30/30 i've never tried or had the desire to shoot farther. if it didn't work well, i'd probably be shooting the fancy new leverevolution stuff. heard good things about that ammo.

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