Sight problem


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So now that turkey season is over im trying to get sighted back in for bear and deer. But Im having some problems. 20 yards shoot three arrows aiming at the same spot hit three diffrent spots one low middle and high. What would cause this. Do i need to go and paper tune again. been trying to narrow it down. have thryed diffrent arrows tryed spin testing them. Im at a lose right now. what should i do any help??

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what arrows exactly with what broadheads are you using for turkeys?

now what are trying to setup with for deer and bear?

have you changed the poundage at all?

if your arrows all spin tested well then maybe the change in setup has made you shooting the wrong arrow spine.

another thing people under estimate is how much shooting form comes into play with fixed blades (big game favorite) opposed to mechanicals (used a lot for turkeys).

unless something has come loose making your bow now out of tune, those are the only things i can think of at the moment.

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check your spine with this chart

...figure that you've got a sinle or hard cam.

if your arrows spin test true and your spine seems to be ok according to the chart then i'd say somehow your bow is out of tune. paper tuning is at times very misleading. try using just one pin held on a spot high on a target. shoot three arrows then walk back 10 yards and shoot three more. aim with the same pin on the same spot as you work back to 40 yards or so. if your groups drift right or left you need to adjust your rest in the opposite direction. your nock point should be square to the string or up to an 1/8" high in most cases, but that you can get from paper tuning much easier.

good luck. if you've got any specific questions, just ask.

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