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Maine Hntr

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The heat has to break before I get the urge. Still hot in October here but about early August you can tell the sun is changing position and my neck will start swelling lol.

Start to smell college football in the air too, I love it, one of the best times of the year saying goodbye to another long miserable Mississippi summer.

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still tweaking my hunting bow. i would go to a 3D shoot this morning but there's work to be done while the sun shines! i'll be going to one Tues evening though. Aside from hunting a live critter during the off season, it's some of the best practice for bow season. always watching out for bucks in velvet. don't put out cams until late august. my real trigger is the first really brisk morning, the fall air is crisp, and geese honk while flying over head.

....but for now it's primarily hay season and woodchuck season when there's time.

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On my mind too all year long. My wife thinks I have an obsession. I ain't gonna argue with her lol

Mine too. However, I just bought her a new PSE Chaos. She hasn't hunted with a bow in almost 10 years so we're both getting kind of excited to start shooting together.

89 Days...10 Hours...44 Minutes til opener :D

It's an all year anticipation for me too.

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Ya I just got mine a diamond razor edge and she's starting to get to know how I feel also. She still rolls her eyes when I talk to her about hunting in every conversation. I think the last one went something like this. Her: the trees are really starting to look good with all the leaves. I love the way summer looks when the trees are all filled out.

Me: ya I need to go trim limbs around my tree stand so I'll have good shooting lanes.

That got a big eye roll and a speech on how we can't have a normal conversation without hunting lol

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No you're not the only one thinking about it. Picked up my new bow a little over a week ago. Ordered a Bowtech Invasion 50-60# draw, came in & it actually tested to 63# so I'll start there. Wanted to drop my draw weight down. The sight I wanted should be in today.

As some know here, one of my besty friends bought ~885 ac. in NE MO toward the end of last year so we have a lot of work to do before Sept. 15th up there. He's still trying to buy more adjacent it. We've already done a lot of scouting and hung 3 stands before and during their spring turkey season. Still have ~15 more ladders & hang-on stands to set. We'll have more than that going in the woods when we start buying new ones. Headed back there the end of this week to hang some more, do more scouting, and work in the woods for ~3 or 4 days. They should be breaking ground today on the camp he's building up there too.

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Ah, anticipation, that is just as big a part of it all as the hunt itself (well, maybe not). The bucks are well on their way to growing this year's racks and I have been contemplating hunting areas for the past month or two. Most of my archery focus is on elk but I'm an old deer hunter at heart and the September 4th opener will get here in short order. Deer hunting here in northwest Montana is a deep woods experience as far as my hunting goes and with no food plots or agricultural fields to hunt and thousands of acres to canvas it can be tricky to pick a good spot, but those big boys are out there. Somewhere.

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The wife and I are going to the Colorado High country to hunt Mulies in august. Just changed out the string and cable on my bow and shot my pins in to 60 yards. We concentrate on USPSA pistol shooting 10 months of the year though. Got two shoots this weekend. Between shooting, reloading ammo and working on my guns it's a busy time.

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