Therma Cell


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With the mild winter we had in Ohio I predicted a severe mosquito problem. Well there are so I figured I would start looking into repellant for early deer season. I have a buddy who says he swears by Therma cell. Has anyone got any advice on this device. And does anyone recommend any other repellant option for early season.

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I have a buddy who says he swears by Therma cell.

I do too! I use mine during most of the MS bow season & spring turkey season. If you hunt where there's black flys, I don't know if they work on them or not. They work on every flying pest I have to deal with during the warmer hunting season days down here.

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Therma Cell

I am really liking the reviews I am getting. What I am most concern with and only because I don't know nothing about them is do they put off any kind of scent. I seen one on eBay where it came with earth scent. I am not too crazy about anything which puts off scent no matter what it is. What would like to know is how does it work? Still if it as good as everyone says the $49 price for the kit is still cheaper than a big suit I seen.

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Therma Cell

Good point. The area I have been scouting borders a marshy swamp, and there is always water which is stagnate. I like the spot so much because it naturally funnels everything in one way or the other. It appeared to be a deer mega highway by the looks of trails and it is a water source. So the Mosquitos are something I am willing to deal with.

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