Stands hunt in Kansas!


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We traveled down to Kansas last week to hang stands and put out cameras on our new lease. We put up a total of 12 stands and 4 cameras on the 320 total acres. After 2.5 days of work and scouting we're feeling pretty good about what we have. It's interesting after detailed scouting seeing how deer move on the property. I know it's going to be a long 3 months dreaming about what the cameras find! This is my first go round on out of state deer hunting and September can't come quick enough!!!

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Just 12 stands hung? JK Pat. I know you have more stands in reserve though. Looks like you did a lot of work in just 2 1/2 days. Good luck! Looking forward to seeing your KS trail cam pics & kill pics this fall.

Yeah I know the property could hold more, but there are certain areas that we are leaving for sanctary and we didn't want to hang a stand without a stealth entrance and exit point. At least not in the early season.

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Archery or muzzleloading? Looks like an awesome piece of property. The wind is usually out of the south early sesaon. The first frost I've heard a biologist say is usually around October 20 give or take a week. I'd zero in on the beans, cause usually they graze on the leaves and then move into the corn to bed or for cover. Anyway, good luck!!

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