Looking to get a DSLR...

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I'm looking to get a new camera and am hoping some of you can give me a few ideas on what to get. I am hoping to find a decent bundle with the body and maybe a couple lenses. I will be taking a lot of normal family event type photos (birthday parties, holiday's stuff like that), and I want to take outdoors type photo's. We get a lot of deer and turkey's around the house, and I would like to be able to snap a few pics of them.

What do you all recommend? I have looked at the Canon 60D, T4i, T3i and the Nikon D5100 and D90 and I just can't decide. Going to head to Best Buy shortly and handle a few of them.

Edited by Michiganbowhunter_SQ2
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I have been shooting Nikon for several years now so that's my brand preference, I currently have a D7000 and D800. For what you are talking about shooting you might just look at getting an 18-55 zoom ($135 at B&H) for the family stuff and then a 70-300 zoom ($160 at B&H) for the outdoor shooting.

If I was just looking at the 2 Nikons I would go with the D5100, it has a higher effective pixel rate (16.2 million compared to the D90 12.3 million), better ISO setting options, and better movie options, and currently you can get it at a better price. The other options between the D90 and D5100 appear to be close enough to the same that they are a wash.

B&H currently has a D90 with an 18-105 zoom for $1099...

They also have a $200 instant savings on the D5100 through JUNE 30 (I know not much time left). They have a couple package deals with it one with a 18-55 zoom for a total of $646 after savings, and one with 18-55 and 55-200 zoom lenses, 16 gig sd card and 2 UV lens filters for $896 after savings.

Hope this helps


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Dunno if you have bought yet or not Lee, I have a minolta. Bought it back when dslr's first started hitting the market and it was kinda pricey. Kind of wish I had waited a few months, because sony came out with their dslr's soon after I got ours and the prices just like any other electronics came down significantly.

The sony cameras from what I learned are or were made by minolta when they first came out, use the same lenses. Been real happy with my camera, however at 6 mp it has not got anywhere near the mp count of the newer cameras and a lot of the features on these newer cameras are very cool.

Had I not had some minolta lenses already I would have looked at the nikon's closer at the time I was making my decision on what i wanted to buy. Don't think you would go wrong with a cannon, nikon, or sony boils down to your preference. Good luck with whatever you buy.

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Thanks for the replies guys. I have been looking nonstop at cameras since I posted this. I'm pretty sure I am going with a Canon. I am going back and forth between a T3i or just taking the plunge and getting a 60D. I want something I can learn with but at the same time I don't want to feel like I have "outgrown" it one or two years from now. This is something I have wanted for a few years now, so I want to make sure I didn't wait all this time to end up getting the "wrong" camera .

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I have always been a fan of Canon cameras and the images they produce. There is a fine line between all the brands out there today. All of them have their pros and cons. My suggestion would be to ask yourself where you want to go with it and start from there. You can spend a whole lot of money on features you might not need or have a use for.

Today's SLR's are incredible in the fact that have become a major player in the video game. I am amazed at just how much these HD/DSLR's are in use for many productions you see today. With the right lenses you can accomplish quite a bit for both photography and video.

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Well I did it. I just finished ordering the Canon 60D from B&H. Came with a 16gb sandisk extremePro memory card, and I got a 55-250 lens as well, and bought a Lowepro bag for it.. I also had some money on my Amazon account, so I decided to get a Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM lens without having to dip into the wallet to much (I sell my old textbooks back to Amazon for gift card/store credit). I put a rush delivery on both orders so I can take it to my grandparents house on the 4th :)

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