SONY Handycam DCR SX44


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Well I got it a couple years ago for christmas and haven't pulled it out until now. It's not HD but has 60X optical zoom with Carl Zeiss optics. Seems to work pretty well with image stabilization. Pan and zoom are pretty smooth definitely see the shake at full zoom so i'll have to get a tripod for it. Looking foward to getting out and filming some of my adventures.

Anyone have any experience with this digital camcorder?

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don't really have updated info, but from what i remember. it depends on what you're using it for....

if you think you want to send in the footage to anywhere then get an HD camera/camcorder ($300 and up, for a good quality one)

if you want to film first person action stuff, then a waterproof durable GO Pro cam that does HD will work (start at $300).

if just for personal use you can save some money and go with a standard def camcorder ($200 and up, for a good quality SONY handycam or equivalent).

if you need an actual photography camera, then some digital SLR cameras also do some good quality 1080p HD video too ($500+). Manual focus on the lens piece is better off than relying on auto focus for some compact camcorders. also lets you do some cool stuff.

....the stuff can very a great deal in cost when you start comparing optics and "bells and whistles". i will say to look at optical zoom and don't pay much attention to digital zoom though.

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