Testing Arizona EZ Fletch Mini


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So I do everything now except arrows. Some fletchings were in tough shape. I decided i might as well fix them and shoot them. Didn't feel like spending money on the ones they've got at the shop that's always busy. So I picked up the Arizona EZ Fletch Mini.... ARIZONA E-Z FLETCH :: Products :: Tools :: Mini

...some blazer vanes, and Bohning Fletch-tite Platinum glue. Very easy and seemed to do a great job with the blazers, despite some reviews out there.

We'll see how they hold up and fly, but even with a 6 degree helical they looked correct and true. I'd get the straight fletch model if you're shooting through a whisker biscuit though. it'd be easier on the vanes.

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Good luck with it, hope it works well for you. I tried one and it would not consistently place my vanes, so I sent it back to cabelas and got a bitz. Was shooting cabelas sst 240's at that time. Evidently the people at arizona knew it was a problem, I called them and they were really good to talk with and gave some suggestions to try, unfortunately the fletcher did not work out for my application. Would have been nice if it did though, getting all three vanes on at once would make things go a little quicker.

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yea it seemed to place them ok and fully against the shaft along the entire length of the vane. we'll see. it was a cheaper alternative than buying a few Bitz jigs. over the long haul doing various shaft and vane/fletch combos one may be better off with a Bitz or similar jig. it is fast though with all three vanes going on at once. i let them sit in the jig for 20 minutes, but it took less than a minute to do each arrow, minus the wait time. i noticed glue jobs were cleaner with each arrow i did opposed to the previous arrow before it. that's me though.

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i used acetone to clean just the shaft and used the Bohning Fletch-tite Platinum glue. left the Blazers alone (they say not to clean them and that they're chemically treated at the factory). i let each arrow set in the jig for 20 minutes, then carefully pulled each one out. letting them sit for 24 hours before i shoot them. hopefully this works well.

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