Another 3-D League...


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Going to join another league, there is one starting up Agust 8th, Weds. evenings, for 8 weeks, they count your top 4 scores then a 5th score at a final shoot the end of September. I am excited! About 25 minutes from home, or I can drive there from work so looks like I'll be packing my bow in the car on Wednesdays. Downside is on some of those I'll be on call for my job so I'll cross my fingers I don't get a phone call in the middle of shooting, lol:cell:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Started the league last Weds.....10 targets, 1 shot each target, ring scores go 11, 10, 8, 5, 0 if you miss completely. Last week I scored 86 and was 11th out ofapprox. 30 + shooters, no women's division so this is against all other adults,lol.

Last night scored 99....was in the 10 ring on 8 of the targets, other 2 scored an 8 and an 11. Even beat out a guy in the group I was with who really shoots 3D for competition....

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sounds like you're shooting good Ruth.... haven't shot much lately just the 30 targets each week for league. seems like most weeks i punch the trigger on a target, miss, call myself a jack***, and then shoot fine. when i don't do it i seem to be into the 300's out of 30 targets. this next week word has it that the targets will be out there and it'll be hard. i'm guessing some may be close to 50 yards or so. i saw some unmarked targets that were that far out this past week.

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you're still doing alright. one piece of advice that i'd recommend that came from brady ellison....

don't go to shoot and think "alright now i need this 10 or i need all 10's." it puts added pressure and stress on your shoulders. let down if you think that. now just think "ok i need to do these things to make a good shot" and the good score should follow. it's similar to what you'd do if you're trying to keep yourself calm and in the right state of mind to shoot a deer without getting "buck fever".

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  • 2 weeks later...

shot again at the league... someone beat me by 3 points yesterday evening (we didn't shoot on Tues due to thunderstorms). shot a 296. didn't break 300 again. i had a long steep downhill shot where i punched the trigger instead of continuing to use backtension and good form. ended with a quartering away bear nailed in the front of the shoulder for a 5 instead of a 10 for that target. lol good thing it was foam.

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Well I shot a 5 on one target today but overwell very happy with how I shot...couple of the shots I didn't do great one was shooter error. It was the final shoot this AM, shot a 194 on a 20 target course and believe I finished 7th in the entire league (mainly all male shooters, only 1 other woman that I know of, no women's division, so finishing in the top 10 I'm happy with. Now onto deer season!

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  • 2 weeks later...

yup onto deer season.... i didn't get to go to the banquet/party for the league i was in. i had to work. my brother picked up my trophy though. not sure what my average was or who placed above me, but i some how got 4th for the league. if i didn't miss the last shoot that i missed, i was told that i would've gotten at least 2nd. last handful of shoots that i did attend i averaged right at 300. i had to work though, so what can you do.

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