Problems with Google Earth


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Recently the Google Earth program on both my desktop and Android smartphone began locking up as soon as i tried to zoom in. I tried Google's website for a fix, but none of the suggestions i came up with seemed to help. I tried un-installing and re-installing on both devices, but the problem persists. Anyone have problems with Google Earth lately? I really enjoy playing around with it and of course it is invaluable as a scouting tool. Thanks in advance for any help!

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Imaging on our lease is much better than G.E.

That's usually the case John & still is here in MS. The GE aerial on our place in MS is dated 10/30/11 and the resolution isn't even close to the quality of bing's.

I was just checking GE yesterday and discovered they had updated the aerial coverage on the MO property with a 4/7/12 aerial. When zoomed in, the detail is better than anything I've ever seen. We had to lime the ag fields in late March & I can easily make out where the chunks are that I saw here & there during turkey season. No problem picking out a few of the specific trees in the woods we've already hung stands in. Also it's a lot easier to tell the difference between individual cedar trees & others. It looked like there was a flock of turkeys in the north end of one field too. Same field where I killed my 1st MO gobbler this past spring.

Edited by Rhino
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Cool. I use both of them, still amazing to me where technology has gone to.

It is amazing with the technology out there today. The one thing I like about Google Earth is that you can go back in time and see different views of the same properties. Some of those are in different times of the year that reveal quite a bit. Old trails and the like. Some even show deer runs that have been used for years and probably in use forever.

As for the OP, no, my GE runs flawlessly. You must want to go into the control panel and uninstall and download from earth-google again. I believe it will install with Google Chrome which will have GE in the task bar..

Edited by ruttinbuc
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