Shootings at Trailer Park in Brownwood, Texas

m gardner

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NOPE it is not..granted a local Texas Station picked it up..but then I'd expect them to in Texas. NOT any thing National went with it did they? And I bet they will not either, cant get out of step with Washington anti gun people now can we?

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Is this "main stream" enough?

Bug you have to expect Texas to cover that story like a heros welcome home.

This story will never get any coverage in the north east, the left coast(Kalifornia) or in Illinois.

By withholding information to the is the same as lying to the public. We only hear about the incidents that sell papers and push the media's agenda of disarming the populace.

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Shootings at Trailer Park in Brownwood, Texas

Perhaps it's a ploy, but I have seen hardly any mention of Gun control in the news lately. Media was chomping at the bit after the CO shooting, but the only noise was the same old rhetoric from the same old unimportant, un-influential loudmouths. The casino robbery that was foiled by an armed citizen gained a ton of national coverage.

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i don't think people should be just allowed to carry without taking a manditory amount of training courses. i mean you've got to be able to shoot well and have training to act and perform under pressure. things have to be second nature. that said i wished gun laws didn't prevent so many from carrying period. i still feel this is the type of perfect example of why people in general should have guns.

there's a reason many country houses go unlocked, compared to those in populated areas. generally people in the country have guns and people in the city don't. similar concept, if i'm a potential shooter of innocent people in mass, i'm not going to think twice about going into a crowd that i think would be packing heat.

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i don't think people should be just allowed to carry without taking a manditory amount of training courses. i mean you've got to be able to shoot well and have training to act and perform under pressure. things have to be second nature. that said i wished gun laws didn't prevent so many from carrying period. i still feel this is the type of perfect example of why people in general should have guns.

there's a reason many country houses go unlocked, compared to those in populated areas. generally people in the country have guns and people in the city don't. similar concept, if i'm a potential shooter of innocent people in mass, i'm not going to think twice about going into a crowd that i think would be packing heat.

Probably why violent crime is way down in Az (homicide down 38%) and Chicago is experiencing a bloodbath right now.

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there's a reason many country houses go unlocked, compared to those in populated areas. generally people in the country have guns and people in the city don't. similar concept, if i'm a potential shooter of innocent people in mass, i'm not going to think twice about going into a crowd that i think would be packing heat.

That is exactly what the antis DON'T GET. So lets make people into sheep to be slaughtered and unprotected. All respect to law enforcement...but they usually come after the crime has been committed. We have the unalienable right to self defense.

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i don't think people should be just allowed to carry without taking a manditory amount of training courses.

And who is going to decide the curriculum and testing methods for these courses ?? Who is going to decide whether you are "fit and competent" to defend your life or the lives of others ??

A government bureaucracy ......... the BATF........... would. And we ALL know how competent and trustable they are.

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And who is going to decide the curriculum and testing methods for these courses ?? Who is going to decide whether you are "fit and competent" to defend your life or the lives of others ??

A government bureaucracy ......... the BATF........... would. And we ALL know how competent and trustable they are.

don i was waiting for someone to comment on that part. i suppose i could've elaborated. worded things differently maybe. i don't think there's any easy way to determine what's good enough. i don't think that it should be just another application and fee to get a concealed carry permit and states to bring in more money. here you basically have to plead your case and show that you're an active user of your handgun. you've taken more courses than just the bare minimum to get a pistol permit and maybe you've been to competitions too.

basically you're handgun isn't sitting in a holster or storage, acquiring dust. you're at least trying to be educated, safe, and skilled. i think that's fair enough. i've only thought about this stuff in the past several years after friends, school mates, and co-workers have made me nervous with their gun handling and ideas of what's "safe".

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dbHunter; I get exposed to unsafe gun handling on a weekly basis. From what I see it's from the general attitude of our society that "knowledge is power", so reading a book on safety is okay and

"I make up my own reality" or "Everything is okay for me", so they have no discipline and are basically uncorrectable. You cannot get through this attitude easily. Some of the worse are cops who come to compete. They invariably keep their finger on the trigger when changing magazines and while moving between target arrays and they get angry when you correct them. Thank God most only come once. The ones who keep coming usually become excellent shots.

So here there are only about 500 of us who would qualify. We're the ones who can "run with scissors" and do it safely.

Good thing owning a firearm is a right and I can't take it from you because most of you wouldn't have one from what I see. :whip:

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well mark these people you speak of would still make it through the cracks and have handguns and the world is not going to end. however, to have a concealed carry permit and be among the general public with your weapon at the ready, you'd better be safe. peoples lives depend on it. people would be reprogrammed and learn to be safe.

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There are hundreds of people here that carry (we don't require a permit) and nothing crazy has happened except a guy shot himself in the penis a while back while pulling a gun out of his pants. His girlfriend left him shortly after. Go figure.

oohhhhhhh.... not good. lol as i said many are safe to the point the world won't end. i was brought up with very strict standards for gun safety though. i don't think it's not warranted either. i think it's important not to get complacent with safety.

it is horrible that the couple and their dogs had to die in the eyes of tht guy. at least no other innocent people were injured or killed. more will surely happen at some point in the future. hopefully the situations are similar to this one or better.

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