What to do about ants?


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Where i am hunting i only have 1 stand set up and there are ants in the tree. When i set up my stand last year there were no ants but in the last 3 hunts i have been seeing and getting bitten by allot of ants. Moving my stand is not an option because all the other trees around me are palms. So what can i do?

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Gel bait. They work great in a house and come in a plastic container so I know it would work outside. Just go up the tree about 6' and stick it to the side with a thumb tack. Within a couple of weeks the ants will be no mass....

If its anything like my house you have to leave one out all the time. If I put mine up the ants come back. I would just leave them out. They should not bother the deer at all...

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  • 3 weeks later...

What to do about ants?

If you can find diatomaceous earth at a garden store it will work. Odor free, organic, won't hurt you or pets or any critters other than insects. Dust the trail or a section of the tree. It's cuts them up and they dehydrate and die. They'll move along shortly. I've used it to move ants out of my yard many times. Reapply after rain of course.

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+1 they work great

Gel bait. They work great in a house and come in a plastic container so I know it would work outside. Just go up the tree about 6' and stick it to the side with a thumb tack. Within a couple of weeks the ants will be no mass....

If its anything like my house you have to leave one out all the time. If I put mine up the ants come back. I would just leave them out. They should not bother the deer at all...

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