My Aerial- Where would you hang em?


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Always like to see the different ways in which people think about hanging stands. I've put boot tracks on this place for 15 years, so I obviously have the upper hand, but from the aerial, do you see anything different you'd focus in on? Keep in mind I bowhunt only, gun stands have been left off.

Yellow is property line

Black is logging road

Green is rye grass

Light green clover

Red is where stands are

Pink is where I'm planning to hang before October


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1) Corey's left most yellow dot

2) third yellow dot from left, moved left to the to the top corner of that same chunk of cover.

3) right most yellow dot moved to be centered in the south edge of the adjacent field to the west.

....the woods to the north is hard to say without a topo and/or walking it.

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I'd look at a topo map too. You have any bottoms with big white oaks? Acorn crop will have alot to do with it also. I usually use tree spikes and hunt out of large trees, sit in the fork of the tree, helps keeps ya mobil and allows you to move around to find where the main travel corridors are. Of course if your hunting pines, it will change alot of factors too.

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