Bought a new release


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Hey guys i just got a new release the Tru-Fire Lost Camo Edge Buckle Foldback and when i went to pull my bow back it fired aka dry fired and im curious as to why then i shot it a couple of times and it was fine. Then on the next pull it dry fired again and im confused as to whats going on? Any help would be appreciated.

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maybe it was the trigger tension... factory settings should work, unless you lightened it. sometimes it packaging/instructions will tell you how low you can set it. i try not to draw my bow without an arrow nocked and pointed in a safe direction(also at something that would cost less if i hit whatever is in front of it). d-loops can break and all kinds of stuff could go wrong. you never know.

i do know some others on here (joe aka rangerclay comes to mind) shoot that release or very similar TruFire and like it a lot.

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