Scent elimination


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I agree. this pastsummer I was out on the inlaws land with no scent cover on at all and had a doe run down the trail and stop within 10 yards from me. She was curious but not spooked. Either way im still going to use spray and keep my woods clothes in bags. I just cant help to think about how all the old folks did it and were successful with out all of this scent elimination product?

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  bowhunter97 said:
But think about what the indians did. They didnt have scent killer.

No the indians did not have scent killer, but they used ceratins types of clothes if you will and did sit in hot areas to sweat out skin toxins before their hunts for scent control.

I agree that the whole scent control thing has gotten out of hand. Hunters spend BIG dollars and there are quite a few companies out there that want those BIG dollars.

The wind and concealment, above all; are the most important things. Oh yeah...and sharp, tuned broadheads. If you play the wind you will be fine. Don't wear your hunting clothes to the diner or gas station ok?

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With all of the modern technology that has overtaken the hunting world one would think that hunter success rates would have skyrocketed. That is not the case. The only thing that has increased is the dollars spent to pursue a simple passion which is probably best enjoyed in it's simplest form. Scent elimination? We all still stink. Those 2 to 3 hundred dollar waterproof boots that are guaranteed to keep your feet warm to -40, but squeak when you walk, leak the 3rd time you wear them and your toes still ache from being frost bitten, surely somehow created a better hunter. Compensating range finder.....I don't understand how I shot under that buck of a lifetime. I could go on and on. Oh well, at least the hunting fraternity is helping to keep the economy going.

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Scent elimination

Well I am the same way. There are a lot

Of things that are just so gimmicky for hunting and scent control crap is one of them.

All I do is spray before I go into the field and I have my stuff in bags the rest of the time. I do shower down sometimes but not all the time. So I say yes tons little scent control and no to the gimmicks.

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This is supposed to be a sport, and if you are not having fun, perhaps you are over thinking. If you stick to the basics of scent control, be mindfull of your stand aproach/departure, maintain your equipment, and practice shooting, you will be successful on a consistent basis. Good luck everyone.

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Well to answer your'm not getting the least bit annoyed about the procedure I use to reduce my scent profile. After is a matter of choice! Yes, I do go to what some consider an extreme to reduce my scent profile as much as possible. Why?...without a doubt, it helps a LOT! With all the hours I spend on stand it's a lot more important to me to maximize my chances for an opportunity at a nice, mature buck.

When I consider all the time I put in before, during, and after the season to hunt deer that little bit of time it takes to reduce my scent profile is just a drop in the pond.

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Scent elimination

I'm all out compared to people I know, but i don't think I take it too far. I try to shower on scent free soap the night before I hunt or if I get time before an evening hunt, but if I get a chance to run hunt after work then I don't not go because I didn't take my shower. I wear scent free deodorant if I'm hunting and keep some in the truck to swipe on. I almost always brush with arm and hammer toothpaste in season. My cologne gets a lot less use. I always spray my clothes down, but most importantly I spray down my boots.

It's a common sense system. You don't have to go by the "scent elimination steps" you see on tv.

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