Info on the nap spitfire broadheads....


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Re: Info on the nap spitfire broadheads....

I have killed two deer with them. They worked good. One of the blades broke on one of them, but other than that they fly great and got the job done. I would use them again for sure. I prefer mechs without rubber bands,,,,,sooooo........

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Re: Info on the nap spitfire broadheads....

Harvested three deer this year with them.

Great broadhead.

Two were perfect broadside shots. One the buck didn't even realize he was hit. These two went a combined 40 yards.

The last deer was right underneath my stand when I shot. I angled down and blew out one lung. The deer ran less than 100 yards.

I'm a stickler for trying new things, so I might not shoot them this year. But not because they're not effective.

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Re: Info on the nap spitfire broadheads....

I use the 100's and they're great.I shot one deer and one bear since I started using them.Both shots we slightly quartering away,complete pass throughs on both.The deer went about 70 yrds and the bear 40,maybe.This season I will be using either NAP Scorpian XP's or the Pro Series Spitfire XP.Both have cut on contact blades on the tip.Spitfires are awesome IMO and I'll be using them for a while.

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Re: Info on the nap spitfire broadheads....

I've taken 1 deer and 1 turkey with them. On the deer it was a spine hit so the head lodged halfway through the spine and didn't break or anything, re-used that head. On the turkey the blades were not razor sharp as the same head had been shot into the dirt earlier that day and it went right through the turkey and the arrow stopped halfway through.

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Guest DaHunter

Re: Info on the nap spitfire broadheads....

Yea mine work great and leave an awsome hole! I deffinitly plan on using them again this coming fall and spring.

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Re: Info on the nap spitfire broadheads....


On the turkey the blades were not razor sharp as the same head had been shot into the dirt earlier that day and it went right through the turkey and the arrow stopped halfway through.

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Sorry, but this isn't a good practice to follow. Always should use new blades on any game you shoot. We, as bowhunters, should use the sharpest broadheads we have to harvest animals, or birds, we owe them that much.


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Re: Info on the nap spitfire broadheads....

too_pointer, that's your opinion, and while I respect it, I disagree. Why do guys use adder points or washers behind their broadheads when hunting turkeys? It's to slow down penetration. A turkey and a deer are far different critters. I agree with your opinion as far as shooting a deer goes, but the arrow staying in the turkey kept it down til I could get to it. A pass thru with a new set of blades and that bird may have flown off and not been retrieved.

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Re: Info on the nap spitfire broadheads....

I'll judge the shapness of that blade by its result. It was shot into the ground when I missed a jake earlier that same day. No rocks, pretty much slid under the grass. I checked it over to make sure nothing was broken or loose. That head later shot right through the hen I killed in the afternoon with the arrow half through the bird.

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