Mock scraps and doe pee


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I have used doe estrous to juice up scrapes leading into the rut in the past. Usually will use scrape drippers with active scrape here, most often hang them over oak limbs where the scent drips over leaves below. When I have used estrous scent, I have dripped it directly on the leaves or used gel on the leaves while keeping the active scrape scent going, but a scent wick would probably work better. Key is to get a buck to take over your mock scrape. Be as scent free as possible, use vinyl or latex gloves and rubber boots.

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because i had it, i use the hot scrape kit. first use a stick and the hot scrape conditioner spray to first make the scrape. then hang a Tink's scrape bomb with a concoction of Tinks #69 doe-in-rut mixed with the Hot Scrape activator liquid. i've always had a buck come in that evening to check it out and then periodically after. seems like it's best to hunt over it sooner than later.

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Mock scraps and doe pee

I keep a mock scrape going around each of my stands year round. I pee in them myself.

As far as using doe estrous in the scrape, that is defeating the purpose in my opinion. That's what the buck is looking for in the scrape. Scrapes go dormant for me during the peak of the rut, bucks don't take the time to do anything more than smell them.

I use doe in heat on a drag rag, then hang it in a tree near my stand. May also put out a canister filled with it as well.

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using scents are productive when used at right places at right time of the season.i have always used dominate buck lure in scrapes to get pics and buck activity.use regular doe urine as cover scent on boots and in scrapes.i i never use doe in heat unless during rut.

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