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Only 18 more pages to top that other thread...easily doable.

Years, and years, and years ago right after the forum was birthed we had this little gal join. She decided she wanted to see if we could make a post that had more post than any other post.. It was like bur in your sock. It was always there and you couldnt see to get rid of it. That was literally only a couple of years after the forum came out...

One of the years of memories... ;)

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Years, and years, and years ago right after the forum was birthed we had this little gal join. She decided she wanted to see if we could make a post that had more post than any other post.. It was like bur in your sock. It was always there and you couldnt see to get rid of it. That was literally only a couple of years after the forum came out...

One of the years of memories... ;)

Don't recall that one Jeramie...That must have been before my time & less than a couple of years after you joined. I'm just 1 month under a couple years behind your entry month.

Then again...I could be having another senior moment. ;) Hummm...missed making my 10 year anniversay post last month too...MY BAD...yep senior moments...gotta love um!

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Sometimes my posts get that "not so fresh feeling". Got to get in and post up some new stuff.


I feel the same way.

Thinkin bout goin to shoot my bow now.

I should, but l leaving at 5 and coming home at 6 makes you sorry. ESP when you know your groups are ok anyway.

I hate August, back to school and my twins turned 13 a few days later. Most expensive month of the year. I dread the little punks that will be calling soon!

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I should, but l leaving at 5 and coming home at 6 makes you sorry. ESP when you know your groups are ok anyway.

I hate August, back to school and my twins turned 13 a few days later. Most expensive month of the year. I dread the little punks that will be calling soon!

Sounds like fun school shopping.

My groups ain't to bad but pretty decent

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Only William has reached that point :p

Guess Bill has forgotten to get that to me. lol.

Does anybody ever take snacks to the stand?

Yep, take snacks sometimes, always take a snack when I take kids with me.

Don't recall that one Jeramie...That must have been before my time & less than a couple of years after you joined. I'm just 1 month under a couple years behind your entry month.

Then again...I could be having another senior moment. ;) Hummm...missed making my 10 year anniversay post last month too...MY BAD...yep senior moments...gotta love um!

Belated Happy Anniversary Al. Don't guess I am sure which thread Jeramie is talking about? Maybe one from southerngirl?

I hate August, back to school and my twins turned 13 a few days later. Most expensive month of the year. I dread the little punks that will be calling soon!

Yep, crazy time of the year here, our 3 daughters each in a different school(elementary, middle, and high). Just wait til they start driving John.

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