How many deer have you MISSED w/ your bow?


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I missed the very first one I shot at in 2001, a young 6 ptr. Misjudged the yardage and flung one WAY over his back. I was so pumped though!! I didn't kill my first with a bow until 2 years later.

Since that first miss, I have not missed (knock on wood laugh.gif) Taken 4 with a bow in the past 2 seasons, and glancing an arrow of a limb wounding a doe. frown.gif I think she made it though.

1 miss for me.....what about you?! laugh.gif

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Guest deldeer

Re: How many deer have you MISSED w/ your bow?

kinda embarassing but.....i missed 6 deer in one morning in a span of about 20 min. blush.gif i think my sight came loose in the greenbriers that morning, after the first 2 misses i knew something was wrong. i tried to compensate but i was shooting like a foot over their backs at about 15 yards..... mad.gifdid go back next day and get a nice doe.......

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Re: How many deer have you MISSED w/ your bow?

Are we talking Missed completely or missed the vitals?? Sounds like some of us are being pretty generous with what we consider a miss. shocked.gif

Personally I missed several with my old bow and never took a deer with it. It was horrible for me. Built for a giant (which I am not) Since then I have taken 3 deer with my Reflex Gamegetter. I hit one buck and trailed him 200 to 300 plus yards before losing the blood trail. I consider that a miss.

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Re: How many deer have you MISSED w/ your bow?

Two. First buck I ever drew back on. A big eight pointer. I hit a limb and the arrow glanced off his butt. And another eight pointer this year. Just flat misjudged him and he ducked my arrow or I would have spined him. many arrows did you fling at the Three Rivers Buck????????grin.gif

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Re: How many deer have you MISSED w/ your bow?

I too missed the first I ever shot at 3 times the first morning and every day for a week.

I would say atleast 10 all together but one wasn't my falt(atleast that's what I tell myself) my arrow was bent and it rolled right over his back. That was the biggest deer I have ever seen while I was hunting. And the last time I ever seen him also.

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Re: How many deer have you MISSED w/ your bow?

I kinda missed one last year, a big brute of a buck I rattled in from far off. He came in to the rattling to my left side, then he turned in the grass and started to circle out in front of me. I had ranged several spots after getting into the stand, so I knew the ranges to various spots. He got straight out in front and was trying to get down-wind. He was walking slowly and I drew and followed him until he got into a shooting lane them I mouth grunted. He stopped perfectly, but he was at 40 yards. I shoot alot of 3-D and seasonal shooting so I knew I could place the shot, so I released. What I didn't expect was how drastic the cross wind would drift my arrow. I could see the arrow drift just half way too the deer. It just grazed the bottom/front of his neck. I watched him run for several hundred yards, then walk for a while until he went out of sight. I found the arrow with just a trace of blood and some hair. There was little blood at all. I was disappointed that I didn't make a good shot, but sorta releived that I didn't wound him badly. I saw him once after that which was good. I ended up shooting a decent 10 point buck with my flintlock though..

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Re: How many deer have you MISSED w/ your bow?

i started just this year and the first deer i ever shot at was a huge trophy buck maybe a 140inch. I tried to stop him with a grunt and as soon as i shot at him he took a step the wrong way and the arrow went right in front of him. I am 15 and all i was expecting was a doe and boy i was not mentally ready to rattle that big boy in but even though i missed him i got a nice 132inch this year. so i feel better. Man it must be the luck of the irish.

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Guest buckfever7

Re: How many deer have you MISSED w/ your bow?

I'm sitting here trying to count over the last 12 seasons of bowhunting, I count at least 11, probably more I'm sure. grin.gif

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Re: How many deer have you MISSED w/ your bow?

missed them all as a kid...couldn't hit squat frown.gif

Since '88, missed 2 clean and didn't recover 1 doe. Took approx 25 adding up does and bucks.

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