Her last hunt :(


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I got to post this pic last year very proud and now posting it very sad.

She was a great out doors girl love everything and loved to hunt.

She was taking away by god in a car wreck at 17 on May 25 2012 and i dont really know how im going to make it.

It will be so hard to hunt this year without her but i have a 10 year old boy thats starting to hunt so i have to push on for him.

Sorry i cant talk about it no more right now.

Please pray for me


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Brought a tear to my eye reading that. I can't imagine what you've been through and what pain and loss you still deal with every day. I have twin daughters that just turned 13 and I can't imagine losing one. Keep your faith in God and know you will be with her again one day soon.

God bless you.

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She will be with you on every hunt. The little simple forms of nature will remind you that she is there. I find great pleasure acknowledging my sons presents in the outdoors, butterflies seem to be his choice to get my attention. Stay strong brother and have faith that you'll be with her again. You and your family are in my prayers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I keep u In my prayers. I don't know how it is to lose a child but I can feel for u with losing a hunting partner. My brother was in a car accident on March the 29th 2009. He is still with us but he had brain injury so he is not able to do things. He needs care 24-7. God put us here on this earth and he will take us away so everything is in his hands. God bless u and your family and I sure hope u can still get out in the woods. I'm sure she would want u to

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i have no idea what to even begin to say for such a tradgedy. I am deeply sorry for you and your entire family...I don't have kids yet, but this just rips at my heart for you. You have one beautiful little angel watching over you all the time, and just remember that her spirit is always following you, and sometimes leading you. God bless you and your family.


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