2 man ladder stand


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I bought a new 2 man ladder stand yesterday. It's a Rivers Edge I have read a lot of good reviews about this stand does any body have any of there products. I have never hunted from a stand before so can't wait to try it out. I think I should set it up and practice shooting my bow from it. Any tips and tricks I need to learn?

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We used to have the double stands when i was too inexperienced to hunt on my own. They were great. It is a great way to bond with someone. I shot my 1st deer out of the stand with my dad right beside me and he shot his biggest deer of his life out of one with me right beside hime. I actually saw the deer. I later hunter out of them by myself because of where they were but there was alot of room in the ones i was in. Great for 1 or 2 people. I really happy we had them.

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