This really bothers me!


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I'm simply amazed at the lack of preparation and indifferent attitude I'm seeing from hunters. This selfish attitude of hunting being simply about the hunter and no regard for the game they are pursuing is sickening. Hunting is not a right, it's a privilege. The animals need to be treated with the utmost respect and if at any time you can't do that then you shoud not be hunting.

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The biggest thing I see, is poor shot angles and not waiting for the animal to present the shot....and then shooting anyways, instead of letting it walk. Yes, early in my bowhunting years, I have made a poor shot, and will not take them anymore. No frontal or quartering to at all, I dont care how close the deer is.

The meat issue is my other pet peive.. had the walk in cooler worked on this w.e. so we will have that up and running..the old compressor hatched last fall..and need to put in another one. if I cant get the animal skinned and in the cooler in an hour, I feel like I have let the respect for the animal slide. I have let animals walk because I knew I did not have time to register the deer until morning.

JMO take it for what its worth

Edited by Mathews XT Man
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I agree Pat

It can be tough when you first start trying to hunt. Having a good mentor to teach and help along the way can be a big help. Not everyone has the priviledge of having an experienced teacher to guide them.

Mistakes are easy to make early on in a hunting career, especially bowhunting. Everyone has made them. Thats just part of the growing pains of becoming an avid and experienced bowhunter. What matters is how you respond to those mistakes. Do they drive you to become better or do you just keep doing what your doing, without trying to improve your skills? If you respect the animal and the sport, a mistake like wounding an animal by poor decision making will haunt you, and you will do everything in your power to make sure it doesnt happen again. If you shrug them off without a care, then you shouldnt be hunting.

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This really bothers me!

I am rather new to bow hunting...always gun hunted. I wanted something new. It has been like walking in a different world. Every buddy I have I pick their brain. Being in close I have worked hard to preserve their area and not destroy their house. I have taken extra steps to set my stands up to give me good shots, even though it may never go they way I planned.

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Think commercialization and hype around some "hunting shows" contributes to what you are getting at here Pat. I believe there a lot of "hunters" out there who only hunt because it is cool and they want to stroke their egos and they really have no respect whatsoever for the animals they hunt.

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I hear ya Pat...& I'm with ya too!!! It's gone into every part of hunting too. Disrespect for the animal both before and after the kill. Like you I know people that won't take the time to prepare if they take any time at all. Some just show up ready to kill something. Some aren't sure what to do with it after they kill it. I can think of a few guys that I've helped clean a deer more than once & they still need help! Another thing...JMHO but overall, hunting skills for the average hunter have diminshed a lot since I started. Like William mentioned, I think some of the hunting shows have something to do with that. They present some new fangled secret weapon that gives the impression it can even draw game into the poorest choice of locations to hunt. There's so much more good information avialable now compared to when I started and still some hunters won't put forth the effort to learn about the game they choose to pursue. Every year it gets old having hunters come up to me and just ask...Al...tell me where I can go kill a good buck right now. Some don't seem to understand that hunting is a pursuit of the game, not going out & picking a target to shoot.

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I'll agree also. No reason to try to shoot an animal if you aren't 100% comfortable and prepared.

Just read a thread on another forum where a guy has no problem with trapping hogs and letting them starve to death in the trap. He went as far as to say he would take pictures of the next one he catches when it is half alive with buzzards pecking on it and post it on the forum for everyone to see. Total disregard. Even hogs deserve to be killed ethically.

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I agree with you, but watch the news, it's not just animals there is no respect for. How about teachers in school, law enforcement officers, public officials. The lack of respect is a quick spreading virus that is killing this country, and to be politically correct we are not allowed to call it out. I agree there is no respect in hunting, but if you look at other areas of society it should not suprise you. I fight with my 10 year old that yes sir and yes maam are how she is to answer her elders, she doesn't hear other kids doing it so she feels embarassed by using good manners WTH, when did this happen? I explain that manners are a key part of her getting to enjoy the benifits at home that she does nothing to help pay for like, TV, Wifi, Ipod, Computer, and diner. Raise your kids right and teach them to alway respect others, it will help.

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This really bothers me!


Great point and so very true. It seems parents would rather social media raises their children as opposed to them. I do not have kids right now, but I can promise that when I do they won't talk back or disrespect people. The fear of god isn't a bad thing. So many people would rather be the "cool" parent instead of doing the right things.

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I agree with you, but watch the news, it's not just animals there is no respect for. How about teachers in school, law enforcement officers, public officials. The lack of respect is a quick spreading virus that is killing this country, and to be politically correct we are not allowed to call it out. I agree there is no respect in hunting, but if you look at other areas of society it should not suprise you. I fight with my 10 year old that yes sir and yes maam are how she is to answer her elders, she doesn't hear other kids doing it so she feels embarassed by using good manners WTH, when did this happen? I explain that manners are a key part of her getting to enjoy the benifits at home that she does nothing to help pay for like, TV, Wifi, Ipod, Computer, and diner. Raise your kids right and teach them to alway respect others, it will help.

Those things you mention much like cell phones for kids are priveledges and not rights and too many confuse that. So many kids these days think they are entitled to this and entitled to that, very serious society issues we face in this day and age. I hear about 3 and 4 year olds having their own cellphones, craziness. A 10 year old does not need a wifi laptop or a cell phone or an ipod. I could see some kids in athletics and extracurriculars having a need for a basic cellphone when they have afterschool activities and access to a home computer for schoolwork. My kids don't have any ipods and they won't until they get old enough to have a job and pay for them themselves. Too many parents out there give in because like mentioned they want to be cool or be their kids best friends, parenting is not about being popular or being best friends with your kids and that has a lot to do with the lack of respect that is more prevalent nowadays.

Times have changed too, a good number of people out there these days even in older age groups have changed, hear it is due to higher stress in today's world. Learned a valuable lesson the hard way here and it is very sad that in many cases many out there just cannot be taken for their word anymore.

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Those things you mention much like cell phones for kids are priveledges and not rights and too many confuse that. So many kids these days think they are entitled to this and entitled to that, very serious society issues we face in this day and age. I hear about 3 and 4 year olds having their own cellphones, craziness. A 10 year old does not need a wifi laptop or a cell phone or an ipod. I could see some kids in athletics and extracurriculars having a need for a basic cellphone when they have afterschool activities and access to a home computer for schoolwork. My kids don't have any ipods and they won't until they get old enough to have a job and pay for them themselves. Too many parents out there give in because like mentioned they want to be cool or be their kids best friends, parenting is not about being popular or being best friends with your kids and that has a lot to do with the lack of respect that is more prevalent nowadays.

Times have changed too, a good number of people out there these days even in older age groups have changed, hear it is due to higher stress in today's world. Learned a valuable lesson the hard way here and it is very sad that in many cases many out there just cannot be taken for their word anymore.

3 an 4 year olds with cell phones have heard of that.

I don't understand people lack of respect from everyone not just kids and people my age but older that have no respect for anyone. I give respect where it's due. But I must be respected back thats all I ask equal treatment.

Not all thing have to be fair..then again that's not right if everythings not fair. So what do you do?

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You want to know somethin I don't understand is buying your kid a bike then them going out and trashing it just to s trashing it then there parents buying them a new one. I got one and was told to make it las you won't get another until you out grow it or buy your own.

I see a lot of people who win there kids break somethin from being dumb they just go buy another for them. That's crazy.

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I hear ya jbeck...adults are bad too. Brings to mind how many times I've helped somebody do something and didn't get any kind of "thank you" back for it. I try to always make it a point to at least say "thank you" to anybody that does the least little thing for me and if they thank me I say "you're welcome".

I also agree with what William said about many adults out there can't be trusted that their word is any all! It's easy to learn who's word is good on your home turf but my buddy and I have gone through, well still going through a learning curve finding out who's word is good with getting things done relating to his MO property. Something simple like that where someone is going to get paid to do something & not do it, do it right (in one case not even show up) has been a lot more of a problem than either one of us dreamed it would be.

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The fear of god isn't a bad thing. So many people would rather be the "cool" parent instead of doing the right things.

In my opinion part of what is wrong with the world and the direction things are going today. Not trying to further take your thread off topic, but since you brought it up, yes you are right fear of God is a good thing, unfortunately what are we seeing in this day and age? Removal of the ten commandments in courts, our constitutional rights of free speech for christians constantly under attack, removal of rights to say prayers at public places, could go on and on. It is no wonder people are having less and less respect for anything, much less having respect for the animals we hunt.

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