TC Encore help, wrong forum...I know.


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I have a .45 cal TC Encore ML that the breech plug was misplaced. I am trying to find a replacement, but living in a state where inline ML are illegal to hunt with makes it pretty hard to find replacement parts. I emailed TC but have not received an answer. Does anyone know where I can order one of these?

Cabelas - negative

Brownells - negative

Midway - negative

Local Stores - negative

If anyone has one or sees one in a store and would be willing to ship it to me as soon as you can, I will pay you.

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Right on T/C's website. Looks like the .50 and .45 are the same breech plugs

Ooph, How in the world I missed that is beyond me. I looked everywhere but the obvious. The only other place I found one was OpticsPlanet, so I ordered it late last night. Thanks.

Mods, you can erase this now.

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