Music you listen to while on the way to your hunting spot?

Hunt or be Hunted

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If I'm hitting public land or heading out to my uncles, I really just listen to whatever I am in the mood to listen to. I listen to every type of music there is. Sometimes its country, sometimes it's rock, rap, hip-hop, and so on. Now on our way to deer camp in the U.P. I got a little play list together with some Ted Nugent (Fred Bear, call of the wild), some country songs, some funny hunting songs from Da Yoopers and Bananas at Large, and some other stuff that gets me pumped about heading up there. ITs funny because I actually was listening to this playlist last night, and then I seen this post this morning :)

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When im by myself just country when im with some one we usually talk about the game plan such as where he is going to be and where i am going to. Might stop at the local weight station grab a cup of joe and talk about yesterdays luck ones. I got to say all this talk on this forum is amping me up and getting anxious. Cant wait.

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I find that the last song you hear before leaving the house or truck, just before heading into the woods, is usually stuck in your head all day long. You will inevitably keep imagining, whistling or humming long enough to drive you crazy. Heaven forbid it's a song that you hate! That's why I play country or 60s/70s oldies. If any hard rock ever came on my radio, I'm lible to rip the radio out or sell the truck!!!!


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