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Archery season started on Aug. 15th. I will be going back to hunt around Sept. 1st. By then, the bucks will have most likely shed their velvet. What is the strategy (if any) when bucks shed their velvet? Will they start sparring? Will grunting be ok to use then? Should I just sit and wait like I pretty much had to do during archery? Should the bucks be breaking up from bachelor groups by this time? If so, Will they be starting to look for hot does? Any help on how I should hunt right after the bucks shed their velvet would be great! Thank you!

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SC, see 2/3 down in this article about the South Carolina Rut, it seems as if it is similar to the majority of the country being the first couple weeks of November. I would not expect any chasing or sparring or any type of rut activity in early September. Like Redneck said above, I would stick to food sources right on through into mid October, I can't see them really coming out of that pattern until then.


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