shooting outside empire state building


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Sad Part is that the Police wounded about 9 innocents trying to stop the shooter.

That part of NYC is so crowded during that time in the morning it would be almost impossible to shoot back at a perp and not have any side casualties.


This wasn't a rampage. This guy was out to shoot one person this is true but his intent was not a rampage.

One gun control nut I know suggested to me that this incident was proof we needed more severe gun control laws. NYC already has the most severe gun control laws in the country.

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Revenge crime is as old as Julius Caesar.

This shooter was probably discriminated against due to his age, and for a year was not able to find a new job because of his age, and so he decided to commit suicide by cop, and before doing it to take with him the boss that caused all his problems.

So he dressed up in a suit as camouflage for NYC and went after his prey.

One shot one kill. Better than the NYC police.

If all shooters were this focused, there would be no spree or mass killings. Just assassinations of bosses who themselves are probably breaking the law to begin with.

Right about now they are both in **** together, which would be worse than living on the Earth. But apparently the shooter did not care anymore. A sad story.

Had the shooter just given up and turned over his gun, he would have gotten only 8 to 10 years, and lived to get released with social security. But it was probably more of an emotional decision that he made than a rational hit.

The most amazing thing about all this is that the NYC police cant hit the broad side of a barn. And while the cows are out of the barn they are the most at risk of being shot by the NYC police. But not on purpose.

Edited by Shoobee
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