So how's the hunting...


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...In Virginia? I just moved south of the Mason Dixon with my Fiance and we're still kind of getting settled in. She is going to Shenandoah University in Winchester for grad school and I'm still looking for a job.. (frustrating!) Anyway I was wondering if there was anyone who knew where there was good hunting in the northwestern part of the state (Shenandoah Valley). I'm not expecting the kind of hunting I had back home in PA but surely there's something here.

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Im down in the south eastern part of VA and just east of 95 isnt bad but be sure to pick up the regulations book. I know there is a few differences from where you and where i am. Also its a bit late in the year but if you go on craigslist there might be some hunt clubs still looking for members and ofcourse theres usually a good chunk of change they want for members. As for wma's they are list in the regulations book. You can pick one up for free at walmart or any good local hunting shop, bass pro in richmond (Ashland VA). Good luck wish you the best of luck.

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