Food Plots this year!

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Summer plantings look great, dunno how with as dry as it has been. No real recent pics, but posted progress here a while back.

Disced some ground for fall plantings this past weekend and will finish up getting those plots ready to plant hopefully this coming weekend. Going with a fall clover planting.

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Between us and some buddies, we did our usual array of Whitetail Institute Winter Greens, No-Plow and Pure Attraction. We also did some soybeans early and now the leaves are pretty much chewed right off. They won't even have to turn yellow. I overseeded it with a clover blend just last week so the rain will sow the seeds. This should take yet this fall and be nice next spring. It will then regenerate the nitrogen in the soil naturally because clover makes its own nitrogen.

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Our MO plots were planted on the 23rd. First rain was the 26th & second was last Friday after I left. With the 3rd rain forecasted for this Friday, I hope they are lush when I get back there. Not having a tractor yet up there, we contracted it out. Some plots were planted with Biologic Maximum adding turnips to the mix and some were planted with Biologic Outfitter's Blend.

We won't plant our MS plots until somewhere around Sept. 22nd this year. Any earlier and they'll burn up down here. Even then we'll only plant about 1/2 of them and the rest around mid Oct. so we don't risk loosing all of them.

Edited by Rhino
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The first plots of the year came in great, but with the heat we had they quickly fell to wilt and the insects took the rest. After having 13 inches of rain in a three storm period I have just been able get back in there and replant. Hopefully within a couple weeks that will be coming in good.

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