1 Year ago...

The Bug House

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...Mother Nature unleashed her fury in the form of Tropical Storm Irene. She literally carved her name into the landscape here, the damage was widespread. Received 16" of rain in about 20 hours. We had hardly a few minutes warning we were being evacuated by bucket loader, I managed to put PFD's on the 3 kids and my wife grabbed medication (oldest has T1 Diabetes) and we loaded into the bucket and drove through 2' foot deep raging flood waters. Several of my neighbors lost everything, we escaped with a flooded basement..

This bridge used to be a few miles down the road from me, it stood for 141 years prior to the flood..the town is goig to try to rebuild it.

Bartonsville Vermont Covered bridge Collapses - YouTube

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I would always take that bridge to head to the in-laws. now is a longer not so enjoyable ride to get there. it is a shame how it happend. my wife got stuck up in vermont for an extra week because of irene. i saw the aftermath of it in noember of last year and wow i have never seen such destruction. i think it was worse then when the flood happened in alstead nh a while back.

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Ahh, I see what you did there. Very clever.........well, not really.

Like I mentioned, it was a few hours of uncertainty, but we escaped with minor basement damage. Many of my friends were not as lucky. I spent weeks afterwards volunteering my time to help with cleanup, even took time from work to do so. Because as we all know, if we don't help each other out, there is no on else that will.

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Never been in a Huricane..but have been through some pretty good Blizzards..only thing the basement flooding dont come til spring along with the washouts. Duluth area had much flood damage this summer and thats how they all made it through everybody pulls together and helps each other out..people from all over voluteered to go help too

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