Early Season Deer Trends


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I wanted to see what sort of trends everyone was noticing this year while scouting. I hunt upper SC near the NC line and it's been hot and humid as usual. Early spring rains brought plenty of natural browse but the later heat waves took a toll on our food plots. The deer didn't show much interest in what little did come up. I do know they are staying near water, still hitting mineral licks (although slowing down some), and foraging on lots of different natural browse. The deer I have been seeing look healthy though and that is a positive sign.

Oh, and the acorns I have seen look sparse and little this year near me. I think fall food plots are going to be good for herd and hunter this year.

So what are you all seeing?

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Early Season Deer Trends

What I've seen look good as well. There's a nice high 6 I see regularly and he's young but healthy. Lots of young deer too. I think the mild winter helped that. They are eating all over though and hard to pattern right now where I am. Not fond of corn piles so bait isn't happening nor is it legal here.

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Early Season Deer Trends

I hunt they middle of the Sumter National Forest and i have seen lots of activity as you have, gotten two nice buck on camera and seen loads of young deer. There are plenty of acorns here but just as you said they seem rather small this year as compared to years past. Hopefully this weather will cool off some and will bring us a little luck!

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