Big Snake


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I honestly didn't know what to think when I saw the title of this thread. Maybe I should get my head out of the gutter a few minutes out of each day! LOL

Back on topic - that's one HUGE snake. I'd probably scream and run as fast as I could to get away from that thing... lol. Sure as the world - I'd get bitten. crazy.gif

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Re: Big Snake

MCH an 95 punder that would be amazing! To tell you the truth I HATE SNAKES! They may do good to our nature in killing mice and all that stuff, but I say kill them all! Sorry. just lookingat those pictures give me the gooebumps. I really really hate them, even the baby garder snakes by our house. I can not even mow at the shop because i know they are out there in the grass. Well my dad dont go for that. So here I am out there RUNNING with the mower, and trying to pass over the spots they love to hang out at. Let me tell you there are some BIG ones.

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