It’s Been A While…


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Hey there gang.Thought I’d stop in and say hi.

I no it’s been awhile since I have posted anything on here, things here have not gone so well for us.

We lost my Mom back in may due to Liver Cancer and 2 weeks before my Mom passed my Aunt passed awayto the same thing.

My Mom was battling what they call C.O.P.D. for about 2 years. They were doing some test on her when they found a small spot on her Liver. They did a Bio. And said that it was Cancer and in 2 weeks she was gone.

I’m still at a disbelief on everything that has happened and so fast.

It’s been a rough road for us since this has happened. But time will heal all wounds I know but it still doesn’t make it any better or easier other then she is in a much better place.

My Mom and Dad had been married for 56 years so it’s been real rough on my Dad.

Well it's time for me to head out the door and go make a living on what I do...

I'll catch yall later...

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Hey Griz...glad that you stopped in.

It sounds like your family has had a pretty rough road. Sorry to hear about your aunt and Mom. Cancer sucks ,man. I lost a hunting buddy and a Grandma to cancer recently. For me it was the first time anyone close to me has had to deal with it.

Keep your chin up Griz.

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